
1810 Peachtree Pkwy Cumming

phone (404) 547-5172
Sign up  for ONLINE Classes!





  • Entire Dance Semester Fees is due in advance, on the first day of the Semester. A late fee of $25 will be applied after two classes / weeks of the start date of new semester.
  • No refunds on dance semester fees.
  • One time only New Student Registration Fees is $50.
  • Kathak exams are conducted annually. Examination Fees are separate.
  • Annual Recitals cost extra. The cost includes Recital Tickets.


  • Dance semester fees can be paid by Check or Cash.
  • Music fees can be paid by Check, Cash, or Credit Card.
  • No walk-in Credit Cards are accepted for Monthly fees payment. The Monthly payment by Credit Card requires filling out a Credit Card Authorizatin Form that will be used for automatic payments.
  • Until and unless notified, the Monthly credit card payment will be deducted by 2nd of each month.
  • In order to stop payment on a Credit Card on file, an advance notice of 4 weeks is required.


  • Any student missing the first class or first few classes, of the Dance Semester, WILL still pay the entire semester fees.
  • In the event of missed Dance class, student can take a make up class with the other class of same age and level. No individual Dance make up classes given.
  • A minimum of 24 hour notice is required to cancel / reschedule a Music class OR else the class will be charged for. Same day cancellations by students will not be made up and will be charged in full.
  • NO refunds or credits will be given for the missed class or classes by the students.
  • A written notice of thirty days required for discontinuing the classes.
  • Director/Teacher may cancel/reschedule any class due to inevitable reasons such as travelling for business/work (school related), students/teachers performing on the weekends, AND inclement weather. Make up classes will be given for the cancelled classes.


  • Class size do not exceed 15 students.
  • Any student missing the first class or first few classes, of the Dance Semester, WILL still pay the entire semester fees.
  • Students should arrive five minutes before the class time. All the classes start and are dismissed in time.
  • Parents/siblings are allowed to wait in the designated waiting area. Siblings/children should NOT run around or peek/look in the classroom causing disturbance in the class.
  • No parents are allowed sitting next to the student when the class is in session. This distracts the student and the teacher.
  • School is not responsible for students after their class has ended. Parents must return promptly to pick them up.
  • Please be courteous and aware of other Music students waiting for their class to start.
  • All Dance Students have to follow the Dress Code: Any Indian outfit or School Tshirt and black leggings.
  • Ghunghroos are must to wear in the dance class.
  • All Dance students New and Old have to Purchase a costume and Rent costume/s for Annual Recital.
  • Kathak Exams will be conducted only at the Geet-Rung centers. All students are required to take the exams from Geet-Rung centers and not from any other location out side town or country.